Patrick Star Fish Clay Stop Animation (Patrick being hilarious!
Author: admin
Star Trek TNG Clay / Stop Animation (Daughters 3rd Animation)
Star Trek TNG Clay / Stop Animation (Daughters 3rd Animation). Yep my daughters 3rd attempt at clay / stop animation. Keep your eye on Data she did pretty well for her age but we couldn’t help laughing at the amount of times Data would lean over, bend over as he had no wire frame. He even leans on other people, my favorite is when he slowly leans forward into Captain Picard’s shoulder, lol.
How To Make A Clay Man Tutorial
How To Make A Clay Man. Shows how to make a simple character out of clay for use in clay / Stop animation. Nothing real fancy yet, we’ll get to that, but gives everyone an idea.
Grey Clay Man Rocking Out To His Favorite Tune. Another clay animation /stop animation.
Blue VS Green Clay Man Battle To The… Clay animation of Blue Clay man and Green clay man fighting. Hand to hand combat like you’ve never seen!!!